Freight costs take up the largest chunk of the logistics costs for businesses today. Unoptimized loads and ungrouped orders can lead to decrease in efficient utilization of each full truck load of goods shipped, which in turn leads to unnecessary increase in freight costs.
Highway 905® Load Optimizer helps you create a smarter way of planning your container loads and ensures a year-on-year decrease in freight costs, increase in capacity planning and also boosts your order fulfillment rate in the long run
Provides you an optimized least-cost analysis for carriers and modes
Automated consolidation of the orders in the same direction and within a range of delivery dates to maximize the truck loads
Plan and maximize the capacity of your truck loads (volume based or weight based)
Assess load plan changes and generate a ‘what if’ analysis for specific scenarios
Automated smart analysis of material master based data to determine how many truck loads, inter modals and stop-offs are needed
Predictive analytics to help you get a better guidance and prediction on your freight cost compared to sales volumes
Get an end-to-end visibility of the load plan using the model master and trailer feed calculation: Size of the pallets, how many pallets can be loaded, pallet groups and stackability
Cost benefit reports(Load Variance) to give you a clearer picture on loss incurred when our suggested load plan is not followed or amount of freight cost reduced by the Optimizer when the container loading is as per plan
We ensure an accelerated onboarding and faster return on your investments, with a consistent and controlled change management process...
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